Scottie Squyres

Scottie Squyres

Student Minister

Scottie began serving as interim youth pastor of PBC in March of 2020.
Previously he has worked with youth and college ministries at 3 other churches. College Pastor at St. Luke United Methodist Church Lubbock Texas 1993-1996. Youth and College Pastor at Calvary Bible Church Abilene Texas from 1998-2004. Youth and College lay volunteer at Southside Baptist Church Abilene Texas from 2005-2017. Scottie has also assisted several area churches with pulpit fill since 2000. Noodle Baptist, Eastside Baptist, Rocky Point Baptist, First Baptist Tye, First Baptist Merkel, and Cross Point Amarillo. Scottie is married to Charlette for 31 years and they have 3 boys and a Daughter-in-law. Andrew,Chelsea, Nathanael and Thomas. Scottie’s hobbies include golf, cooking and reading sermons of the good ole dead guy preachers. Scottie is bi-vocational and is also employed at Prime Time FEC as The Director of Operations.